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Enrollment Fair Flyer at BGI

2024-2025 In-Person Enrollment Fairs for NEW STUDENTS!

The Montebello Unified School District (MUSD) would like to announce that it will host in-person enrollment fairs for NEW STUDENTS this summer. Our enrollment fairs will feature in-person support for enrolling their NEW student in the Montebello Unified School District. We encourage you to enroll your new student today!
Summer Meals Program Flyer 2024

Free Summer Meals Program

Montebello Unified School District is now serving breakfast and lunch to all children 18 years and younger. To participate in the free meals program, locate a site near you and simply show up at the serving time. No registration is required. Breakfast and lunch are provided on a first-come, first served basis. Click above for more information.
student winner picture

Congratulations Jason!!

MUSD gave students the opportunity to develop and implement their own plan on how to improve attendance at the ATC. It was an exciting way to see our students creativity in action. We extend a big congratulations to Jason for winning a Dell laptop and printer. Way to go Iron Horses!!


Empowering Students to Achieve Academic Excellence as Model Citizens.