Throughout their time at ATC, students will participate in statewide assessments such as the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) in English Language Arts and mathematics and the California Science Test (CAST). These assessments fall under the umbrella of California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System. The purpose of these assessments is to give more information to teachers, students, and parents/guardians about what the student knows and to improve teaching and instruction. The Starting Smarter website gives additional information about these tests, sample questions, and explains the student score reports from the parent perspective. The website is available in English and Spanish.
California is a diverse state and many students speak a language other than English. The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is a statewide assessment that is given to help us determine a student's academic English language proficiency. The Summative ELPAC is given to help teachers and the school gain a better understanding of what type and how much support students need to become eligible for reclassification as Fluent English Proficient. The Starting Smarter for ELPAC website gives additional information about this assessment, sample questions, and explains the student score reports from the parent perspective. The website is available in English and Spanish.
The Advanced Placement (AP) exams are not a required test; however, these exams are offered annually in the spring to enable high school students to demonstrate college-level achievement. A passing score on the exam grants the student college credit and allows the student to waive the class in college. For more information about AP exams, please see the College Board website.